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Green Team Garden Meeting
Thu, Feb 22
Join us to discuss ways you can support our amazing Lapham & Marquette gardens!
Registration is closed
See other eventsTime & Location
Feb 22, 2024, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST
About the event
Join our Green Team to discuss ways you can support our amazing Lapham & Marquette gardens! These outdoor classroom spaces are what make our school community unique and special. To continue the tradition - we need your support!
RSVP is not required to attend the meeting. Here is the agenda for the meeting:
- Welcome new guests/introductions (operation fresh start/community members, teachers, etc)
- Provide a background of Rooted/AC position for new attendees and provide information on GiR (Gardener in Residence) transition - Emily update
- Answer any GiR questions or defer to Erica, any general questions
- With transition approaching, defining goals from the staff on use of garden space or interactions with GiR will be important
- Ask an attendee who has been involved with the garden for a while to share history of Lapham garden (has been around since Mr. Ken Swift started taking students out when he was a teacher) and Marquette garden (new space with a lot of potential) for newcomer understanding
- Farm to School updates - Emily update
- Share updates from principals meeting, ongoing conversation
- Plan a more defined teacher garden-workshop for the spring to share with schools ASAP to gauge interest
- Best if done during school day, will need more clarification on when from school
- Ideas – Garden cooking activity paired with garden lesson activity
- Emily will ask Erica/Bronte and Nathan Larson to help support (they have experience doing this with other schools)
- Set a date for post-spring break garden club at Marquette
- A full group is on the waitlist currently (for first cohort?)
- Do we want to run two separate days of the week again for 6 weeks? Need to decide these factors prior to Ada sending out sign-up sheet
- Emily can co-lead Tuesdays
- Lapham/Marquette spring programming transition - Abbey/Grace update
- Emily to start running lessons with 5th grade at Marquette after Lapham finishes nutrition lessons
- 6-8 weeks
- Does programming go back to Lapham focused after, with the garden club at Marquette? How can we continue to support teachers at Marquette with the parameters of Emily’s time?
- To be more accessible to staff and community members going forward, would it help to move the meeting time to directly after-school going forward? (2:45 or 3pm)
- Should we get a workday on the calendar?
- Earth Day event for students and school(s) or Earth Day workday again?
- Fundraising updates
- Any updates/developments that the GT wants to make to either of the gardens?
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